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Monday, August 9, 2010

Angeles City Advisory Council formed

ANGELES CITY—The Sangguniang Panlunsod (SP) here city recently approved an ordinance creating the Local Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council of Angeles City (LLEDAC) to ensure the delivery of social services to Angelenos.

Sponsored by neophyte Councilor Edu Pamintuan, Jr., LLEDAC aims to determine and recommend socio-economic development goals and policies which shall serve as guide for the formulation and implementation of the City Development Plan.

“Strong legislative-executive relation is key to effective and efficient formulation and implementation of policies promoting the public welfare,” Pamintuan said.

The said ordinance calls for LLEDAC to recommend proposals to the Executive for appropriate and necessary measures requiring enactment by the SP, study measures to improve the implementation of development assistance from multi-lateral and bi-lateral entities, monitor the Executive’s implementation of approved ordinances and resolutions benefitting the public and to review the relationship of the legislative and the executive agenda to ensure the integration of both.

“With this, the council can assess the effect or impact of approved measures on the citizens, and we could also recommend to proper officials or agencies the result of the work and such measures it feels necessary to be undertaken”, the young Pamintuan added.

The advisory council shall be composed of the Mayor as chairperson; Vice Mayor, co-chaiperson; members of the SP; all department heads of the city government and the SP secretary; all heads of national government agencies in the city, as council members.

LLEDAC may also include representatives from civil society organizations to ensure broader citizens’ participation in all the council’s deliberation.

The ordinance shall take effect 15 days upon its approval. The council shall meet on the first Monday of every quarter, and the Executive Committee shall meet every Wednesday of the month.

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