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Monday, August 9, 2010

Pamintuan’s administrator, information officer confirmed

ANGELES CITY -- The Sangguniang Panglungsod (SP) of this city confirmed during its Tuesday’s regular session the appointments of Mayor Edgardo Pamintuan’s city administrator and information officer.

The SP confirmed the appointments of lawyer Dennis Albert Pamintuan as administrator and Archimedes Reyes as information officer of the city government, without any opposition from its members.

SP presiding officer and Vice Mayor Vicky Vega Cabigting said the the city council acknowledged the merits of Pamintuan’s and Reyes’ educational background and career experiences in discharging their duties and functions.

Pamintuan has a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and finished his Juris Doctor degree at the Ateneo de Manila School of Law. He passed the bar examinations in 2007.

“Although I have no direct experience as a city administrator, I am well-versed with the rules and regulations and jurisprudence as far as public administration is concerned,” Pamintuan said.

Prior to his assumption as city administrator, Pamintuan was the chief legal counsel of the ComClark Network and Technology Corporation.

He once worked as member of the Legal Staff of the General Manager of the National Housing Authority (NHA) from 2003 to 2004 and the Office of the President for External Affairs from 2004 to 2006.

Pamintuan is the son of the late Benedict Pamintuan, a former village chief of Barangay Pulung Bulu. He is a nephew of the current city mayor, and a cousin of councilor Edgardo Pamintuan, Jr.

Reyes, the newly confirmed information officer, was once the Chief of Staff of then Pampanga Governor Eddie Panlilio. A year after his resignation in his provincial post, he was appointed as Public Relations and Communications Manager of Subic-Clark Alliance for Development Council (SCADC).

Reyes has a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and was a former college instructor at the Angeles University Foundation.

Cabigting said the members of the city council are optimistic that the two officers would work well in achieving the governmental goals charted by the new city administration.

After hearing all their backgrounds, the council confirmed their posts and then congratulated the two city officials for their appointment.

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