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Monday, August 9, 2010

FEATURE: ‘Laugh Out Loud’ at Marang’s bar

Text by Joey Pavia

“Laughter is the best medicine.”
So said Councilor Maricel “Marang” Morales during the opening of her L.O.L Comedy Bar at the Courtyard in Barangay Balibago here on Tuesday night graced by Mayor Edgardo Pamintuan and First District Rep. Tarzan Lazatin.
“Our kind of entertainment is for the whole family and truly relaxing,” said Morales, former beauty queen and celebrity.
Morales said the comedy bar at the Courtyard’s second floor will be a venue for local talents to show their original comic stuffs and improve their crafts.
Morales disclosed they will also regularly feature top comedians p
erforming in Metro Manila daily beginning at 8:00 p.m.

Former Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Chairman Manny Angeles, Vice Mayor Vicky Vega-Cabigting and Morales’ fellow councillors graced the event.
No less than Angeles City First Lady Miniang Pamintuan, Leigh J
ocson of Jocson College and Gilda Padua of Ties That Travel agency attended the occasion as a gesture of support to the business venture of their friend, Morales.
Asked what L.O.L stands for, Morales said: “Laugh Out Loud, and that we promise.”

Enjoying the L.O.L comedy bar are Vice Mayor Vega-Cabigting, Mrs. Pamintuan (seated, from left) with Gilda Padua, Leigh Jocson and Morales (standing, from left).

Mayor Pamintuan (center), Rep. Lazatin (right) and Angeles (left) prepare to cut the ceremonial ribbon at the opening of the L.O.L Comedy Bar. With them are Vice Mayor Vega-Cabigting, Morales and Lacson.

Host-bar owner Morales is all smiles with Cabigting and Councilors Dan Lacson, Bryan Nepomuceno, Jay Sangil, Edu Pamintuan, Alfie Bonifacio, Willie Rivera, Jericho Aguas and Arvin Suller.

A good bar goes along well with pretty girls (L-R) LJ Galang, PB Villa and Diana Martinez.

Photos by Joey Pavia and Ric Gonzales

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