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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wake up, Porac


Joey Pavia

"VM David knows from the bottom of his heart that Muli is like a river running out of water"

On a rainy day last week, my friend took a much-needed break and spoke about his beloved Porac town. He zeroed-in on Barangay Sepung Bulaun which had produced at least two mayors – the late Mayor Roy David and ex-Mayor Dr. Roger Santos.
I also learned from him that three-term Councilor Ludivico Muli is a Sepung Bulaun native.
“I don’t know why but the barangay produces some of the recent leaders of Porac, including mayors. But sad to note that Sepung Bulaun seems neglected,” he told me over cups of coffee at La Nilad (SM Clark).

“And why? You said some of the mayors and Muli were from the village,” I answered back.
My friend can afford not to go home and stay in Sepung Bulaun. He is busy with work and has other houses in Pampanga. But he wants to help his fellow Sepung Bulaun natives feel the basic comfort in life – having potable water coming out from their faucets.

Former President and now 2nd District Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo gave some P5 million for the construction of the water system in the village. It was released last year when Santos was the mayor (and GMA was president).
But as of today, the water system is still inutile. The pipes and major parts of the GMA-funded project are done but not a drop of water came out from it.
Santos and the contractor of the Sepung Bulaun water system have a lot of explaining to do.
Mayor Carling De La Cruz has a lot of catching up to do.

Meanwhile, Vice Mayor Dexter David, son of the late mayor, should begin to “dump” his friend and political ally – Ludi Muli.
VM David knows from the bottom of his heart that Muli is like a river running out of water.
Sooner or later, the people of Porac will begin to realize that voting for Muli is like voting for “an inutile water system.”
Beware, Dexter. Councilor Mike Tapang will easily beat you in a future race for mayor if Muli is still closely associated with you.
“Muli is a genius in the world of dirty politics. He uses his politically savvy to divide the people and public officials,” he said.
When there is chaos and divisiveness, Muli thrives. Go, ask the Lapids and Dr. Santos – and former Vice Mayor Jing Capil.
Porac voters should be taught on how to sense if the drama unfolding is true or just one of the dirty works orchestrated by the “favorite” son of Sepung Bulaun.
Tapang once dubbed Porac as a sleepy town. He wants to change all that.
With Muli at your service, Porac will continue sleeping. Wake up.

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