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Monday, August 9, 2010

Thinking ‘green’ with SM

Albert B. Lacanlale

=== This activity, I was told, is not a one-shot deal because the journalists have vowed to take good care of the tree saplings they planted until these could thrive on their own.===

The following is the speech I delivered last August 6, 2010 at the SM City Clark when I was invited (hurriedly) by our beauteous friend Venus Magsino-Manalang, the mall’s public relations officer, and the equally lovely Ms. Ana Datu, the assistant mall manager, to be among the speakers in the launching of the SM Eco Bag.

It was the first invitation by SM City Clark where I felt I was more than just a reporter or friend. At that instance, while I was reading my prepared speech and doing a little adlibs, I felt like I had a mission—and that is to convert the young students listening into heroes of the earth.

The piece, in addition to it being hurriedly written, is also a proof of my being a novice in public speaking. Please bear with me:

“Ladies and Gentlemen, a Green Day to all of you!

The media had always been an active partner of the government and the private sector in the effort for environmental protection.

It is through the various media—whether print or broadcast—have we heard, watched and read worldwide news of environmental degradation that resulted to disasters. And, I believe, it is through the help of media that we have now more people aware of the consequences of taking our environment for granted.

In the local front, the media has been very vigilant in issues concerning the environment. From the issues of piggery waste in Porac, the landslide at Mount Arayat, to the cutting of trees along the stretch of the MacArthur Highway, the media had always been there doing chronicles on how development and human abuse significantly contributed to the destruction of Mother Nature.

Recently, our friends from the Pampanga Press Club, led by Mr. Perry Pangan of DWRW 95.1 as their president, conducted a tree-planting activity on Mount Arayat. This activity, I was told, is not a one-shot deal because the journalists have vowed to take good care of the tree saplings they planted until these could thrive on their own. In short, hindi po ito pang-press release lang. Sabagay, wala po atang nag-cover nung activity na yun or if ever there were, everyone was busy planting trees they forgot to take hold of their cameras.

Seriously though, this only proves that we in the media do not only write news about efforts for environment. Oftentimes, we personally take active participations on activities and advocacies to help, in our little way, protect this one Earth that we have.

But, no matter how thorough we are in making sure the message gets through for everyone to take heart for the environment, there are still more people who have yet to join the green army, by doing little things that, when put together, could create a big difference in our fight against global environmental disaster.

And so we salute SM for having that same passion in keeping our environment protected. The many programs of SM malls nationwide, for its thousands, or perhaps, millions of employees and customers, are indeed worth commending and for us, worth covering and supporting.

These eco-bags are among the most ingenious projects of SM to help solve the nagging problem of garbage disposal that is wreaking havoc to the environment. Not only are these environment-friendly, they are also fashionable and economical.

With these kinds of project, how could the media say no when asked to do coverage. Even I could not decline when asked to make a speech in front of you today because I am, at the back of my mind, hoping I could inspire most of you, if not all, to keep that love for the environment alive.

I do hope that one day every single person who have heard of these words would take his or her part in the multitude of do-gooders for our beloved Mother Earth.

Congratulations, SM for this wonderful project. Rest assured that the media will support your endeavors towards protecting the environment.

Thank you everyone at Mabuhay ang kalikasan!”

My gratitude to Venus and Ms. Ana. That was quite a nerve-wracking experience and worthwhile at the same time. Cheers to SM!

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