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Monday, August 9, 2010

Search for outstanding Fernandino on

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO—The City Government of San Fernando announces the start of the nomination for this year’s search for The Outstanding Fernandino Award or TOFA.

TOFA is the city’s way of recognizing its citizens who have become role models in their respective fields of endeavor.

According to the city tourism office, headed by Ching Pangilinan, the deadline for submission of nominations is on the 29th of October of this year and the awards night is slated in the month February next year.

All nominees must be born in San Fernando or at least one of the nominee’s parents if and must be a resident of the city for the past 15 years or have rendered at least 5 years of exemplary service in the City of San Fernando.

Furthermore, he/she must also be of good moral character and have exceptional personal conduct or exemplary accomplishment, or outstanding achievement in his/her chosen field that has contributed to city.

The TOFA searches for citizens in the field of religious service, environment care and preservation, education, law, agriculture, science and technology, social service, military law enforcement, medicine including health services or allied medical professions, business, culture and arts including heritage or history, community service, parenthood and family, senior citizens service, sports, media, youth, entrepreneurship, and government service.

Last year a city ordinance was passed institutionalizing the prestigious award for this year’s TOFA.

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