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Monday, August 9, 2010

Barangay livelihood program launched

Some 80 plain housewives were taught how to make rags out of old clothes as part of the livelihood project launched by the Barangay Quebiawan council and the city government on August 5, 2010.

According to Dr. Eloisa Aquino, city health officer, the project is an example of the “holistic services” given by the city to its constituents.

She said that the beneficiaries were originally intended to undergo seminar on good parenthood but when the city government found out that majority of them are unemployed, the rag-making seminar was instead introduced.

“Magsisilbi itong source of extra income sa mga mommies natin, kahit nasa bahay lang sila at habang nag-aalaga ng bata, maari silang kumita,” said Aquino.

“Gusto kasi ni Mayor [Oscar Rodriguez] na lahat ng pangangailangan ng mga Fernandino ay maibigay--magmula sa edukasyon, kalusugan hanggang sa hanap buhay” she added.

All raw materials and equipment will be provided by the city and Barangay Quebiawan.

“Mayroon na tayong market para sa magagawang rags. Nakipag-tie-up na tayo sa mga big companies like malls, so siguradong kikita ang mga kababayan natin,” said Barangay Quebiawan chairman Nestor Reyes.

For a minimum capital of P900, a rag-making business can be started. Each rag can be sold as high as P70 in the market.

Aside from the livelihood program, the beneficiaries also received lectures on health awareness including proper nutrition, importance of breast feeding, responsible parenthood, and family planning.(30)

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