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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Gloria for congress, Mikey for governor?

By Albert B. Lacanlale
CITY OF SAN FERNANDO --- Rumors are rife all around Pampanga that President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s frequent visit to her home province, especially in the Second Congressional District, indicate that she will be seeking a slot in the House of Representatives in the 2010 elections.
Since January this year Arroyo has visited Pampanga more than 10 times, mostly in towns of the Second District being represented by her son, Juan Miguel “Mikey” Arroyo in Congress.
The frequent sightings of the elder Arroyo in the towns of Guagua, Lubao, Sta. Rita, Floridablanca, Porac and Sasmuan fanned speculations that the Chief Executive is indeed hell bent in replacing Mikey as representative of the district.
Palace officials would not provide hints on the President’s next political move but brushed aside legal obstacles that would prevent Mrs. Arroyo from seeking a congressional seat.
Deputy Spokesperson Lorelei Fajardo said in recent telephone interviews that the President’s visits to Pampanga are just part of her normal routines as Chief Executive.
“But even if she (Arroyo) decides to run for congress, I don’t think there are Constitutional provisions that would stop her from doing so,” Fajardo said.
Critics are looking at the political moves of Mikey to somewhat determine Mrs. Arroyo’s own plans for the May 2010 elections. The young Arroyo may opt to re-elect for his third term or gun for another position to give way to the supposed congressional bid of his mother.
Candaba Mayor Jerry Pelayo, a close ally of Arroyo, said the President has not intimated to them her political ambitions.
But Pelayo said that Arroyo, with all her qualifications, could run for any position for so long as the Constitution would permit her.
“Ang tanong, gusto kaya ng Presidente na kumandidato sa pagka-kongresista at makakatanggi kaya siya kung hikayatin siya ng mga tao sa Second District?” Pelayo said.
Pelayo further explained that even as congresswoman, Mrs. Arroyo cannot even assure landing the Prime Minister’s position if only to diffuse concern of the opposition of the President extending her stay as top official of the land.
“To become a prime minister would still be a game of numbers in the House. If the opposition thinks Mrs. Arroyo did not work well as president, why do they sound afraid of her running for congress?” Pelayo added.
Party decision
If Mikey were running for governor, the merged Lakas-Kampi CMD party will be having its hands full in choosing for its standard bearer in Pampanga.
Senator Manuel “Lito” Lapid, who had been Lakas CMD’s gubernatorial candidate for the past several elections, has expressed intention to regain the provincial capitol.
Incumbent Vice Governor Joseller “Yeng” Guiao, another Lakas stalwart, is also trailing his sight to the governorship.
Asked to comment on Mikey's possible entry to the gubernatorial race, Guiao said "everybody has his own game plan. Nobody can stop anybody from pursuing their objectives for the province."
He said that though he is leaning towards to gubernatorial position more than his other option to run for congress, he would submit to the party's process in selecting the official candidates for Pampanga.
"I have a feeling that everything will be settled in the party caucus. I think every party will be heard before the party," he said.
Guiao said that it was the first time he has heard about Mikey's supposed gubernatorial plan and he would just accept this as "mere speculation."
"Everything is speculative at this point because nobody has made an official declaration of their plans. We would not decide on our political plans based on speculations," he said.

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