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Monday, September 21, 2009

Strengthening the family


By: Councilor Alex F. Patio

== We, as parents, should and must do our share by not providing only for the food, shelter and clothing for our children==

On the month of September of every year, a one week celebration is allotted in observance of the importance of a family and it is called National Family Week-- a civic observance to praise and strengthen the nation’s basic social unit. Various civic and educational observances are planned throughout the week to call attention to the family and its needs.

The Filipino family, as the social scientists like to describe it, often consists of more than one generation, so that both parents and grandparents collaborate in raising the children and in handling household responsibilities. In recent years, social and economic pressures have taken their toll on the family. As young Filipinos migrate to the cities in search of a better future, or travel abroad to find adequate employment, families are often separated by great distances. The elderly are often left in the province while the youth pursue their fortune elsewhere. Children are sometimes neglected in the process and suffer.

Of all the species which dwell on this planet, the human offspring takes the longest time to reach maturity. In the human sophisticated industrializing culture of the Philippines, children need their parents well into their twenties. To attain their full potential, children need an education that takes time to attain. A few generations ago, a high school diploma was enough for a good economic future. Today’s children need college and even graduate degrees and the burden on parents can be exhausting.

The family, however, plays a crucial role in nation building. It is the first school of the next generation. That is why parents must instill confidence and a sense of identity into the minds and hearts of their children. Families demand long-term commitments and enduring relationships for the welfare of the offspring. After begetting offspring, parents must cherish their children, care for them and supply their needs.

It is fitting that the nation focuses attention on the Filipino family not only for a week, rather al- throughout the year. May every citizen do his part to strengthen family ties and to promote family values. The family is the portal to the nation’s future.

And we, as parents, should and must do our share by not providing only for the food, shelter and clothing for our children. As much as we can, give them the best education. Through education, they will be armed with the necessary weapon to improve their economic stature. That way, if we have an educated family, each member will become productive citizen. If no citizen becomes idle, then we can truly say that we are promoting and empowering the family that after all, belongs to us or indeed our own family. A productive family begets productive community, society and a nation.

In an intolerable society, the task of working for revolutionary change is the duty and the privilege of all parents and children, young and old. It’s just that we should all work together in the realization of a better society.

Here in San Fernando, the city government wants to institutionalize programs that would surely reap positive outcome, like giving preference to the elderly, assistance to senior citizens, providing livelihood to women sector, uplifting education befitting our youth through scholarship provisions, health care and free medicines to name a few.

In a continuous cycle, the youth of today will establish their own family, a productive family, educated and will be free from bondage of poverty.

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