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Sunday, October 25, 2009

100 senior citizens barred from using chapel

STO. TOMAS, Pampanga – More than 100 senior citizens here decried what they described as an “insensitive act” against the elderly after they were barred from using the San Vicente Chapel for their regular meeting and prayer sessions on Oct. 18.
San Vicente Senior Citizens Group President Supring Galang lamented that his members of more than 100 had to stay under the rains while waiting for Barangay Pastoral Council President Joba Basilio to allow them to enter the chapel premises.
Galang said his members were forced to seek shelter in the cramped shade of the barangay mortuary.
He said his group has been regularly using the chapel for their meetings and prayer sessions. Galang added that he was surprised when Basilio prevented them from entering the chapel.
Galang also said three of his members Elsa Jimenez, Estelita Zapata, and Teresita Fernandez, who also belong to the Barangay Pastoral Council, had already made reservations with the San Vicente Chapel administration.
“What I cannot understand is why Basilio had barred us from using the chapel when in fact our group has been using the area regularly. And what’s worse is that my members had to bear the cold and rains as we were forced to wait outside,” Galang said.
Galang said his members had decried the incident saying Basilio should have not allowed the elderly to wait under the rain. The members also lamented that being exposed to the elements make the elderly prone to various illnesses.

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