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Sunday, October 25, 2009

PGMA inspects two barangay infra projects in Lubao

LUBAO, Pampanga -- Proposed infrastructure projects for two barangays here were inspected recently by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as part of the administration’s effort to modernize roads and the education system in every barangay nationwide.
Upon her arrival at Sitio Dampalit in Barangay Sta. Lucia, the President inspected the dilapidated three-classroom building which used to house Grades 2, 3, and 4 pupils.
Sta. Lucia Elementary School principal Madonna Roque said they were very thankful for the President’s visit to personally oversee the real condition of the dilapidated and termite-infested classrooms.
She said the proposed rehabilitation of the old school building would be a big help, especially for the students so that they can pursue and concentrate on their studies.
From Barangay Sta. Lucia, the President motored to Barangay San Juan where she inspected the proposed barangay road project. Lubao municipal engineer Francisco Waje briefed the President on the planned road improvement in the area.
Lubao Mayor Dennis Pineda accompanied the President in her visit to the barangay.

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