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Friday, October 30, 2009

UA celebrates PE Day

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO --- “All work and no play makes Jepoy a dull boy.”
This holds true for the University of the Assumption (UA) as they celebrated their annual Physical Education (PE) Day with more challenges as well as physical activities lined up for both the whole day’s program.
The said event was highlighted by the annual search for the Mr. and Ms. PE led by Edwino Visoyo.
According to UA PE Chair May Flores, Mr. and Ms. PE is different from other beauty contest. According to her, aspirants were not only required to show off their talents and beauties on stage but also to perform well on every challenge they have to do.
Flores also said that each challenges has its corresponding point that each aspirant can acquire.
“At the end of the day, each candidates’ accumulated points on the challenges will be tallied and will be added to their total score at the pageant night,” Flores said.
During the coronation night, Sarah Soliman from the School of Arts and Sciences emerged as this year’s Ms. PE while Michael Fernando from the School of Business was named Mr. PE.
Other winners include Ms. Sound Body Marian Cunanan (Best in Talent and Best in Fitness Attire); Mr. Sound Body Jessel Malonzo (Best in Creative Top); Ms. Sound Mind Cassandra Franco; Mr. Sound Mind Justine Bayani; Ms. Sound Spirit Cherrie Ann Mendoza; Mr. Sound Spirut Roiniel Gigante; Creative Top Kahtlene Laxamana; Best in Casual Wear Jemma Urbano; Ms. Photogenic Fatima Khokwhala; and Mr. Photogenic Marco Dizon, among others.
On other activities, Arki 1A placed number on banner making contest while Arki 1B and ACC 1E placed second and third respectively. Educ 2A placed first in UA Got Talent Competition edging over MM 2A and HRM 1D which placed second and third.
Also, Keith Cristine Rodriguez, Charina Mariano, Angelica Mamangun, Lea Bondoc and Jenelyn Garcia completed the top five for the Aero Marathon.
Meanwhile, UA PE teachers also include Ritazita Vitug, Rowena Allam, Elizer Camaya, Maria Ana Dizon, Rommel Rivera, among others.
(Raymond C. Garcia)

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