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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Coops urged for more benefits to members

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO---When Pampanga observed the Cooperative Month Movement in October with a culminating program entitled 8th Cooperative Recognition Day, the emphasis was on the importance of continuing and long-term benefits for cooperatives and their members.
All the speakers and guests in the culminating program held last October 30 at the Benigno Aquino Jr. Hall inside the provincial capitol compound urged the cooperatives leaders to explore ways and means to further strengthen the cooperative movement in the province.
Ralph Recto, former senator and director-general of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), was keynote speaker in the program. He called on cooperatives to confront all issues, both economic and political.
He said they should be wary of politicians who would use them for their own agenda even as he urged them to strengthen their ranks as they “play a vital role in countryside development”.
Chito Dayrit, chairperson of the Provincial Cooperative Development Council (PCDC) said a “strong coop movement alongside adequate financial and logistical support from government would boost cooperative strength for Pampanga.
Governor Eddie T. Panlilio, for his part, lauded cooperatives in Pampanga for their support to local communities and pledged his administration’s consistent support for their continuous development.
He also proudly shared with the guests and audience the good news that Pampanga has been adjudged as the Outstanding Provincial Cooperative Development Council in Central Luzon , and therefore, “especially deserving of our support”.
Mamerto Gatus, head of the Provincial Cooperatives and Entrepreneurial Development Office (PCEDO), disclosed that the provincial government has been providing continuing financial assistance and trainings to cooperatives.
He also encouraged the leaders of cooperatives to avail themselves of the insurance packages which the Cooperative Insurance System of the Philippines (CISP) presented to them as these “will provide benefits for their members”.
During the culminating program, the CISP gave out 15 life insurance cards worth P15,000 each. These cards were good for a period of one year and these were raffled off to members of cooperatives.
Gatus revealed that in the next meeting of the PCDC, they would encourage coop members to get life and accident insurances as these will ensure a more secure future for them.

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