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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Rebs gun down gov’t spy

By Raymond C. Garcia

STA. ANA, Pampanga --- The Rebolusyonaryong Hukbong Bayan (RHB) has admitted being behind the murder of a government intelligence agent in Barangay San Agustin here, recently.
The fatality, identified as one Emiliano Montoya was killed around 12:35 am on November 7. He suffered two fatal gunshots in the head and chest.
A very reliable source said, “Kinwa de itang tau king bale kaibat dela de ketang kadwang tete king San Agustin tsaka de karin berilan (They took the victim from his house to a nearby bridge in Barangay San Agustin where they shot him).”
Other sources said Montoya was hiding at the ceiling of their house when the group came to get him. For some reason, he decided to show himself to the group.
The source also said Montoya admitted he had been serving as an intelligence officer of the Philippine Air Force 710th Special Operations Wing 730th Combat Group for five years up to his death.
“Minamin ya na intelligence nya pin nitang Philippine Air Force Special Operations Combat Group at madakal nya naman kanu tinip kareng kayabe da (The victims has admitted being an agent and that he already had tipped some of his former comrades to authorities),” the source furthered.

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