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Friday, November 6, 2009

UPS delivers $50,000 for RP typhoon victims

CLARK FREEPORT--US-based United Parcel Service (UPS) donated last November 6, US$50,000 to the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) as part of their assistance for the victims of typhoons that recently battered Northern and Central Luzon areas.
CIAC President and CEO Victor Jose I. Luciano and UPS Asia Pacific Region Senior Vice President KM Liu led the turn over of the $50,000 donation to the PNRC headed by chairman Emeritus former Justice Leonor Ines-Luciano and Secretary General Gwendolyn Pang held at the CIAC Boardroom in a simple turn over ceremonies.
“UPS has chosen the PNRC through the American Red Cross as the recipient of the $50,000 donation intended to help the victims of Typhoons in Northern and Central Luzon.”
“We are happy that a Clark-based company like the UPS is extending their assistance to those affected by the typhoons,” Luciano said.
Luciano said UPS was the one who pioneered the development of the Diosdado Macapagal International Airport (DMIA) that started their cargo operations in 2002, adding that UPS is a partner of CIAC for the development of DMIA.
For his part, Liu also said that UPS is committed to support community activities especially in providing assistance to the victims of calamities in the Philippines.
“We are very pleased with President Luciano and the whole of CIAC for their cooperation and support to UPS and we look forward to continue the relationship and continue our objective for the development of DMIA and the whole of Clark,” Liu said.
Last October 27, SIA Engineering Company donated US$20,000 for the victims of the typhoon. The funds were turned over to the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and the PNRC.
Other guests include Kevin Chan director UPS Asia Pacific Region, Rolly Nierva senior manager UPS Shared Services, CIAC Executive Vice President and COO Alexander S. Cauguiran, Lauro Ortille Vice President for Administration and Finance, Romeo N. Dyoco Vice President for Operations and Business Development, and Capt. Ben Solis of the Asia Foundation.
(By Albert B. Lacanlale)

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