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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Grand reunion for ex-seminarians slated

Most Rev. Paciano Aniceto, D.D. of the Archdiocese of San Fernando extends an earnest invitation for all former seminarians, seminarians, priests and formators of Mother of Good Counsel Seminary in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga, to attend the GRAND ALUMNI HOMECOMING on the occasion of the 60th Diamond Jubilee Anniversary of MGC Seminary on July 2-3, 2010, City of San Fernando, Pampanga.

In his personal letter and circular to the attendees, Apu Ceto, as fondly called by his parishioners, said that the seminary provides spiritual health and renewal to the archdiocese just as the heart provides life-blood and energy to the body. And so, the ex-seminarians or the so-called non-ordained alumni of MGCS perform their unique role as “salt and light of the earth” or witnesses to the Lord’s presence in the family, education, culture, tri-media and political affairs. Even the II Vatican Council calls the seminary as the “Cor Dioecesis” – the heart of the diocese.

Ronaldo Tiotuico, the ad-hoc chairman of the working committee, expressed the confidence that the circular of Apu Ceto to all parishes in Pampanga would result in a larger attendance than there was in 2008 when the first reunion was held. This year, we expect an attendance of about 500 former residents of the seminary or an increase of over 50% compared to the previous year.

The celebration will see the gathering of mostly prominent personalities in government, religious hierarchy, tri-media, business and private sector community. The event will more likely see the participation of the likes of Ping de Jesus, the former secretary of DPWH, Bong Lacson and Ashley Manabat of media and publicity, Cris Cadiang, a former priest and a rising star in the political arena, Robert David, a former board member of Pampanga and now a philanthropist, Efren Tayag, a prominent architect and civic-minded personality, Boiti Portugal, the proponent of the now famous Razon’s Halo Halo, Ronnie Tiotuico of the Department of Tourism including Pio Bituin, Panyong Paras, Bim Viray, Efren Chua, Ed Sibug, among others.

Some alumni based in the United States are expected to come to be part of the celebration. They will unveil an oil portrait of the late Fr. Basilio David as a tribute to his memory.

The occasion ushers in the 60th foundation or diamond anniversary of the alma mater having been established on July 4, 1950 with its original location in Guagua, Pampanga. Two years later, it was moved to Apalit in the same province for want of more space for it growing population. In 1962 to the present, the seminary found its permanent location in San Fernando. Its foundation is attributed to the late bishop of San Fernando, Most Rev. Cesar Ma. Guerrero upon the insistence of three priests—Basilio David, Eulalio Yabut and Antonio Ibay. Their prayers bore fruit when the seminary was transformed from a minor to major seminary with already four departments: Minor Seminary, Pre-College Department, Philosophy Department and Theology Department.

Most of the more than150 priests in Pampanga finished their priestly education in the same seminary. Founding Bishop Guerrero named the seminary after his wellspring of devotion, the Blessed Virgin Mary or our Mother of Good Counsel or the English translation of Latin Mater Boni Consilii.

The reunion will be a time for prayer, reflection, spiritual renewal and fellowship.

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