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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cebu Pacific adds flights to strongest international destination

Offers seat sale to Hong Kong, Macau, select domestic destinations as low as P888

The Philippines’ largest national flag carrier, Cebu Pacific (CEB) will add one more daily flight to Hong Kong, its most popular international destination, starting November 24, 2010. CEB’s Manila-Hong Kong service is set to offer five times daily flights.

CEB declared Hong Kong its strongest international destination, based on the number of passengers last year. CEB flew approximately 493,000 passengers in 2009, more than other Cebu Pacific international destinations, such as Singapore, Osaka, Incheon, Kuala Lumpur, and Jakarta. The airline currently operates four daily flights from Manila, and a daily service from both Cebu and Clark.

The first international destination we flew to was Hong Kong in 2001. Since then, the demand for lower fares and even more flights and frequencies has resulted into very convenient flight schedules between Hong Kong and the Philippines,” said CEB VP for marketing and distribution Candice Iyog.

Because of this, CEB offers a seat sale from August 20-22, 2010 or until seats last, for travel this October 1-November 30, 2010. Those going from Manila and Cebu to Hong Kong, as well as from Manila to Macau, can avail of P1,999 ‘Go Lite’ seat sale fares. Meanwhile, those going from Clark to Hong Kong and Macau can avail of P1,499 ‘Go Lite’ seats.

Select domestic destinations are also available for P888 ‘Go Lite’ seat sale fares. These are from Manila to Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, Tagbilaran, Puerto Princesa and Zamboanga.

CEB is also the biggest airline operating from the Philippines to Macau, with five times weekly flights from Manila and four times weekly flights from Clark. We plan to add two more Manila-Macau flights, making it a daily service, starting October 31, 2010,” Iyog added.

The airline also flew the most passengers from the Philippines to Macau, flying 115,262 passengers in 2009, 64,533 more than other airlines.

For bookings and inquiries, go to www.cebupacificair.com or call (02) 7020-888 or (032) 230-8888. Fun Tours packages to Hong Kong as low as P5,681 (inclusive of 1 day Hong Kong Disneyland Tour with one-way transfer, and 3-days 2-nights accommodation in a city hotel) can be booked through http://funtours.cebupacificair.com.

Having flown over 45 million passengers since its inception in 1996, CEB flies to 14 other international destinations, using the youngest aircraft fleet in the country. These destinations are: Brunei (starting August 21), Beijing (starting September 5), Guangzhou, Shanghai, Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, Kota Kinabalu, Jakarta, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh, Osaka, Incheon and Pusan.

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