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Thursday, August 5, 2010

DOLE inaugurates new field office in Bulacan

CITY OF MALOLOS—The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Regional Office 3 continues to strengthen the roles and capacity of is provincial offices through decentralizing the implementation of its programs and services.

In the province of Bulacan, the realization of the bulk of work that needs to be done in labor and employment-related matters has paved the way for the DOLE Bulacan Provincial Field Office to transfer to a bigger facility at the 2nd Floor of the Mark III Bldg., Mabini St., Mojon this city, to effectively and fully-serve its clients and partners.

In line with this development, the DOLE Bulacan Provincial Field Office, headed by Assistant Regional Director (ARD) Leopoldo B. De Jesus, took lead in the blessing and inauguration of its new office at the above-mentioned address today to formally open its doors to the public, partner agencies, and other stakeholders.

Highlights of this event included a mass that was officiated by Rev. Msgr. Angelito J. Santiago and was followed by the ceremonial ribbon-cutting that was led by DOLE Regional Director Ernesto C. Bihis and ARD De Jesus, along with other invited local chief executives of the province, heads of National Government Agencies (NGAs), and PESO Managers from the different municipalities in the province.

Other highlights of the said event was the release of DOLE livelihood assistance amounting to some P428,288 to 140 farmer beneficiaries from the Kapatirang Magsasaka ng Palapat MPC (KMPMPC), for the establishment of a cooperative store on agricultural inputs and daily basic necessities.

Meanwhile, a memorandum of agreement (MOA) signing between DOLE and the local government of Marilao was forged in line with the livelihood assistance of some P350,000 under the DOLE Kabuhayan Starter KITS, which is DOLE’s flagship program on micro-business entrepreneurship, to some selected 70 workers from the informal sector as well as Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) from the said municipality.

With the new DOLE Provincial Field Office in place in Bulacan, it is expected that programs and services will continue to address the needs and concerns of its clients all the way to the grass root level in the shortest possible time.

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