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Thursday, August 5, 2010


Magnificent Macau

Mansion At Sofitel

Mansion at Sofitel outlines uniqueness and exclusivity.

The magnificent Mansion at Sofitel offers the ultimate in style, elegance and personal comfort. With four different design themes, the 19 units of mansion provide the finest amenities and facilities for convenience and peace of mind when travelling.

The Mansion at Sofitel is furnished with state-of-the-art technology, rain forest shower and Jacuzzi. The generous space, stylish décor, tremendous views of Macau peninsula and Pearl River Delta at dawn and dusk, and above all, personalized butler services, all made up the most memorable luxury experience!

The 120 to 262 sqm mansions with one-to-three bedroom set ups, from one floor to duplex, featuring Eternal Glamour, Black Galaxy, Blanc Romance and Avant Garde.

Eternal Glamour translates glamour into chic and contemporary style. Living room features leather lounges. Crystal décor conveys elegance in the right tone. Ensuite master bedroom with walk-in wardrobe, spacious bathroom in luxurious marble design with Jacuzzi and rainforest shower make up a comfort zone.

Black Galaxy sees the classical moulding of imperial design and décor, noble styling. Ensuite master bedroom features oversized luxurious bathroom with Jacuzzi, rain sky shower, massage lounge and sauna room. Entertainment room is featured.

Blanc Romance as named is a design of an all-in-white feminine romance! The white motif colour and glass furniture with polyhedral crystals reflecting cleanness and unity, bringing a sense of tranquility and prestige.

Avant Garde, the tasteful designed duplex reads the concept of ‘homey’ yet ‘trendy’, a cup of tea for young professionals!

The contemporary designed tea & coffee table at the living room, the arty carpet, Phillipe Starck’s dining chairs and decorative items are delicate and eye-catching. The classical touch of the Italian designed free stand bathtub looks just right for the character of the spacious bathroom!

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