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Monday, August 2, 2010

SM Pampanga hosts PWD sports fest

By Albert B. Lacanlale

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO—More than 200 persons with disability (PWDs) from the seven provinces and 13 cities of Central Luzon converged at the SM City Pampanga on July 21 and 22 to celebrate the 32nd National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week.

With the theme, “Sa Istrakturang Accessible, Lahat ay Able,” the celebration is in line with Presidential Proclamation No, 1870 “declaring the Third Week of July of Every Year as the NDPR Week.”

The celebration starts on July 17 and culminates in the 23rd, the birthdate of Apolinario Mabini, the sublime paralytic.

This year’s theme recognizes the importance of giving PWDs equal opportunities in all aspects of human endeavours for them to lead productive and successful lives.

The weeklong celebration aims to create greater public awareness on the problem of disability and stimulate public awareness on the prevention of the causes of disability, provision of rehabilitation treatment and equalization of opportunities to PWDs.

The event, which was spearheaded by the Regional Committee on Disability Affairs (RCDA), will be highlighted by the mini sports competition with various games like the wheel-a-ton, tailing the cat, chess and dama, “Pinoy Henyo” and calamansi relay.

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