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Sunday, July 12, 2015

NFA guards Pampanga markets vs fake rice

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO--In a bid protect consumers from fake rice, the National Food Authority (NFA) Pampanga Branch conducted a random inspection among grains retailers at the old public market here. 
Provincial Manager Elvira Obaña led a team that swept thru the public market where both commercial and NFA rice are being sold to ward away the possible entry of the fake rice known locally as "China rice."
Government officials have warned the public about the bogus rice which is said to be a mixture of ground potato and resin, a chemical component of plastic. 
Ingestion of fake rice could render a person ill or may lead to death. 
Obaña said as early as last month, NFA has already been on the lookout against fake rice.
In response to the intelligence report about fake rice, NFA has intensified its monitoring, putting under the microscope grains retailers that are not accredited by the agency. 
In yesterday's inspection at the old public market, a grain retail store doing business allegedly had been found operating without the required NFA accreditation. The shop was given warning to secure pertinent documents or face possible revocation of its business permits. 
"We will coordinate with the local government unit concerned to revoke the permits of this retailer if it continued operating without our office's accreditation," Obaña said.
Aside from yesterday's inspection, NFA has two roaming teams inspecting the whole province while grains retailers organization in every towns and cities are also policing their ranks to prevent the infusion of fake rice. 
Obaña said the inspections also intend to ensure the availability of NFA rice in the market though commercial stocks are still abundant. 
NFA rice is intensively infused in the market whenever there is shortage of commercial stocks to prevent the retail price of the staple from skyrocketing. 
As of the start of the month, the province has abundant supply of rice with a total rice potential of 1,067,437 bags that could last up to 63 days based on the daily consumption of 17,060 bags. 
Total rice potential refers to the estimated volume of rice in NFA warehouses, household and commercial stocks. 

NFA Pampanga Manager Elvira Obaña, along with fellow NFA officials Rosita Suy, Irineo Bundalian and Julieta Ordoñez, inspect rice being sold at a retail store at the old public market in the City of San Fernando

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