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Sunday, October 25, 2009

CSF to host 4th towns, cities conference

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO --- This city will host the 4th Philippine Towns & Cities Conference: Reflections of the Past, Lessons for the Future (PTC4) from November 6 to 7, 2009.
PTC4, organized annually by the Heritage Conservation Society (HCS), aims to enhance civic engagement with local governments units in order to inform and guide the LGUs on the proper care and utilization of a valuable asset — built heritage resources.
The first conference was held on November 8, 2006, at the Development Academy of the Philippines, Pasig City; followed by the second conference held on November 9, 2007, at the Sarabia Manor Hotel and Convention Center, Iloilo City and the third conference was held on November 8, 2008 in Zamboanga City.
The conference aims to tackle issues on real estate speculation and over-construction that are often mistaken for modernization despite exerting devastating pressure on the historic and cultural core of many human settlements.
The Philippine Towns and Cities Conference is a communications campaign to influence policy makers at the local government level.
The Heritage Conservation Society (HCS) will take its campaign for cultural awareness and education campaign to the local governments of North Philippines (Central Luzon, CAR, Ilocos Region and Cagayan Valley), where built heritage resources abound in San Fernando and Angeles (Pampanga), Malolos and San Miguel (Bulacan), Sta. Cruz (Zambales), Vigan (Ilocos Norte), Laoag & San Nicolas (Ilocos Norte), Lingayen and Alaminos (Pangasinan) and many others.
For more information, contact Dorie Soriano/Luz Regalado of HCS at 5212239, (Fax) 522 2497, 09178668853, 09062625631, 09228712061 or
hcs_secretariat@yahoo.com; or Ching Pangilinan/Malyn Tuazon of the San Fernando Tourism Office at 0459615684 or mlcjdp@yahoo.com.
Sponsors for PTC4 include the City Government of San Fernando, Pampanga and the Spanish Program for Cultural Cooperation.

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