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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wily ploy

by Ashley Manabat

=== Surfing the world-wide-web showed no BOVI website===

What seemed to be a fly-by-night company is using the media as leverage in its desire to bag the contract for developing the Diosdado Macapagal International Airport (DMIA) terminal 2 project.
Last I heard, Bristeel Overseas Venture, Inc. (BOVI) of Malaysia was inviting guests to its "presentation" at the Holiday Inn Clark "in coordination with The Pampanga Media Group." Who is this PMG (Pampanga Media Group)?

Seasoned journalist and Society of Pampanga Columnists chairman Bong Lacson first broke the news asking if I had anything to do with BOVI. I answered in the negative, me being the chair of the NUJP-Pampanga Chapter with members from print, broadcast and the electronic media.
Pampanga Press Club (PPC) president Perry Pangan also came out with a statement denying that the PPC or he in his personal capacity, had anything to do with BOVI and is not in the business of endorsing anybody or company. Ditto with the SPC and other media organizations.
In his widely-read column published by Punto Cenntral Luzon, Lacson described BOVI's attempt to make it appear that the media is endorsing their company as "a most disturbing proposition" as he bared the blatant disregard of the PMG for basic media ethics.
What about BOVI?
Surfing the world-wide-web showed no BOVI website other than news articles from various newspaper websites reporting on BOVI's desire to develop the DMIA. BOVI is described by the news articles as "a Malaysian consortium asking the Philippine government to reconsider its proposal to infuse US$150 million in foreign direct investments for the development of the DMIA."
If BOVI is a foreign corporation wanting to infuse millions of dollars to develop DMIA, how come it doesn't even have a website?
Why is BOVI, if indeed it is a reputable company, using deception in trying to make it appear that it is being endorsed by the media over and above the other bidders? Something is wrong here.
For the record, legitimate media organizations have no business endorsing any company especially at DMIA which was recently whacked by controversies because of contending bidders to develop it as well as infighting of its top executives.
The journalist's code of ethics states that journalists "report and interpret the news scrupulously taking care not to suppress essential facts or distort the truth by omission or improper emphasis."
In his column, Lacson wrote that the PMG is "a creation of BOVI itself to get some leverage in its negotiations with CIAC..."
Lacson said further, "By coordinating the presentation of the manifestation for investment of a private foreign consortium, this Pampanga Media Group is actually doing advertising, if not engaging in direct marketing job for that investor. Which is anathema to journalism praxis. Media is in the business to report news, not to market products or companies."
He added, "By clearly taking the side of Bristeel Overseas Ventures...how can this media group still adhere to fairness, to objectivity, to accuracy with the other proposals to develop the DMIA terminal and other expansion projects at the Clark airport?" Nothing more to explain here. It's very clear that the PMG has lost its objectivity.
As for BOVI, there is much to be desired from this foreign corporation using a Willie err wily ploy to deceive the public.

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