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Sunday, October 25, 2009

CEB offers Korea, Japan seats at P2, 499 for winter travel

Further pushes for Clark international flights with P999 seat sale

CLARK FREEPORT --- The Philippines’ leading domestic carrier Cebu Pacific (CEB) entices travelers to head to Korea and Japan this coming winter months with a seat sale from October 24 to 27, 2009, for travel December 1, 2009 to February 28, 2010.
Manila-Incheon, Cebu-Incheon and Cebu-Pusan seats are up for grabs for the ‘Go Lite’ seat sale fare of P2,499. Those with check-in baggage will just add P100 upon booking. Meanwhile, Manila-Osaka seats are available at the seat sale fare of P2,599.
CEB also further promotes flights from Clark to Bangkok, Macau, Hong Kong and Singapore with a ‘Go Lite’ 999 seat sale with the same promo and travel periods.
This is on top of an ongoing promotion of 30 kilos free baggage allowance to anyone traveling these international routes from Clark from October 15-December 31, 2009.
“Traveling this December to February to key cities in the ASEAN and East Asian regions is encouraged. Fares are getting lower, and different tourism players are offering better deals. CEB’s trademark low fares greatly help, as passengers visit these countries for shopping, visiting friends and experiencing winter adventures,” said CEB VP for Marketing and Distribution Candice Iyog.
“Locally, we also offer a ‘Go Lite’ P888 seat sale to Zamboanga from Manila, Cebu and Davao, as well as to Clark from Cebu. Passengers can call our reservations hotlines (02)7020-888 or (032)230-8888 or check www.cebupacificair.com to book and buy promo seats,” she added.
Asia’s third largest carrier, CEB flies 20 direct domestic and 4 international flights from Cebu, and 1 domestic and 4 international flights from Clark. Its flights to Manila connect to across the extensive CEB network, using the youngest fleet of aircraft in the country.

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