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Sunday, October 25, 2009

GMA leads relief giving to 'Ondoy' victims in San Simon, Pampanga

SAN SIMON, Pampanga -- Grateful residents of this town came out in droves recently to greet and express their gratitude to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo when she distributed relief goods to victims of typhoon Ondoy.
The President arrived at Barangay San Pedro at around 10:45 a.m. and joined local government executives led by San Simon mayor Rodrigo Canlas and Pampanga Rep. Ana York Bondoc in distributing food packs to some 1,700 families.
She then proceeded to nearby Bgy. San Juan to also distribute food packs to some 600 residents.
In both events, residents from both barangays were one in expressing their gratitude to the Chief Executive for her government's assistance.
She was greeted with loud cheers and the priceless expression of relief on the faces of residents who had patiently waited in line for several hours just to get a glimpse of her.
The relief packs distributed to the victims here consisted of rice, canned goods, noodles and used clothing.

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