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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Prisoners Week Celebration held

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO --- Believing in the adage that even prisoners have rights, the Pampanga Provincial Jail ushered the observance of the Prison Awareness Week yesterday, October 18 up to October 25, 2009 with the theme “Be a light to others…Instrument of healing and reconciliation.”
Col. Christopher Carreon, Provincial Jail Warden said that they have lined up various activities such as parlor games, singing contest, Feeling Pogi, Tunog Tao, Drawing, Basketball, and Miss Gay contests for the inmates. Furthermore, the award for the Best Celda, Best Mayor and Vice Mayor was conferred to deserving detainees on October 25 as the culminating activity.
In his inspirational message, Governor Eddie T. Panlilio lauded the inmates for reviving in their lives the spirit of healing, persevering to make amends to themselves and others in spite of their present situation. Likewise, he urged people to understand the plight of detainees and called on to all concerned to demonstrate understanding and compassion to the wrongdoers.
The Most Reverend Paciano B. Aniceto, Archbishop of San Fernando presided over the the holy mass for the prisoners on the last day of the celebration. Also, different religious organizations will render free concert and worship services during the week. (Raymond C. Garcia)

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