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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Angelenos cheer as Pacquiao wins 7th division belt

ANGELES CITY --- Angelenos trooped to the Pampang Public Market here on Sunday to witness the historic win of Filipino ring icon Manny Pacquiao over the Puerto Rican champion Miguel Cotto.
Secretary Edgardo Pamintuan, Subic-Clark Alliance for Development Council (SCADC) Chairman and CEO, who sponsored the free public viewing of the fight in Las Vegas, Nevada in the USA, joined thousands of market vendors, stall owners, jeepney drivers and passersby to cheer for Pacquiao’s seventh title in different weight divisions.
Two wide screen television sets were set up at the Pampang Public Market to allow the people to get free live viewing of the fight.
Seated amidst hundreds of his constituents, Pamintuan cheered, jeered, clapped, shouted and jumped every time Pacquiao hit Cotto with his lightning speed attacks to the face and body.
With the cooperation of the officers of the Pampang Market Vendors’ Association, the venue was prepared hours before the actual fight in order to accommodate the greater number of people.
At fight time, almost three hundred people packed the venue but in spite of the heat and noise, no one really minded and took notice because everyone is there to support, cheer and pray for Pacquiao.
According to Allen Antonio, one of the leaders of the market vendors, this is the first time that such an event was held inside the market compound.
Joining Pamintuan are Vice Mayor Vicky Vega, Councillor Jay Sangil, officers of the markets vendors’ association and other barangay officials.
During the last Pacquiao fight with Ricky Hatton, something similar was set up outside but it was then too hot and too bright for the audience to really appreciate the fight.
This time, the two well-placed TV sets, plus the booming sound system, made it a rare treat for those who watched a live show for the first time. Conspicuously installed at the venues are tarpaulins bearing the pictures of Pamintuan standing side by side with Pacquiao.
Pamintuan also arranged for similar venues where people could watch the Pacquiao-Cotto live for free in the covered courts of Brgy. Pulung Bulu, Malabanas and other venues, including the Angeles City Jail.

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