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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fresh Options owner wins P1.3-M IBM challenge

ANGELES CITY --- Red Dragon Farms (RDF), a home-grown medium scale company that operates Fresh Options meat shops and engaged in commercial livestock production, was adjudged winner for IBM’s Business Reality Challenge in the country.
IBM will provide RDF a suite of free hardware, software and consulting services worth US$30,000 (roughly P1.29 million) needed for the company’s business expansion plans.
Pia Azarcon, IBM Philippines country manager for ibm.com/midmarket, turned-over the check representing the Information Technology (IT) firm’s assistance to RDF to its president and general manager Robert Lo recently.
The IBM Business Reality Challenge is an ASEAN-wide contest developed to assist small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) who are keen to improving productivity and profitability while reducing costs through the efficient use of IT.
The IBM challenge ran from May to June 2009 wherein SMBs were asked to describe in 100 words or less, their biggest IT challenges and how the prize will help build a smarter business for them.
Approximately 100 SMBs nationwide took part in the IBM challenge but, Azarcon said, RDF was chosen because it has grown significantly despite the lack of efficient IT system. The award, she said, is hoped to further boost the firm’s capability for expansion and growth.
“Red Dragon’s first enterprise-level IT system will enable the company to work faster and smarter that its competitors. It will allow them to get fast and accurate reports to improve management decision and have better systems management and controls for overall operational efficiency,” Azarcon said.
RDf is a major player in the commercial and agricultural sector and operates a feed mill, 12 poultry farms, two swine farms and 45 meat shops in the City of San Fernando.

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