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Thursday, August 5, 2010

2010 Honor Awards semi-finalists bared

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO--The Civil Service Commission recently released the names of individuals and group of individuals that made it as semi-finalists to the upcoming Honor Awards this year.

The Honor Awards Program (HAP) is divided into three Categories: the Presidential Lingkod Bayan Award; the Pag-asa Award; and the Dangal ng Bayan Award.

The Presidential Lingkod Bayan Award is being conferred on an individual or group of individuals with extraordinary contributions that had nationwide impact on public interest. The Pag-asa Award on the other hand, is being conferred on an individual or group of individuals with outstanding contributions that directly benefit more than one department of the government. While the Dangal ng Bayan Award is being conferred to an individual for his/her performance of extraordinary act or public service on the basis of his/her observance of the eight norms of behavior under R.A. 6713, otherwise known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees.

Here in Region 3, 11 out of the 14 nominees submitted made it as semi-finalists in different categories. They are the following: for the Presidential Lingkod Bayan Award--Pablo Y. Lasprilla, Jr. of the Clark Air Base Command (individual category) and Pampanga Agricultural College (group category).

For the Pag-asa Award--Dr. Betzaida B. Banaag of the City Government of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan (individual category); Dr. Priscila G. Tangonan of Tarlac College of Agriculture (individual category); Randy D. Canlas of Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (individual category); Ranny D. Magno of Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (individual category); The Amazing Sweet Sorghum: PAC’s Initiative in Promoting and Commercializing its Utilization as Human Food, Animal Feed and Bio-Fuel (group category); and TCA Agroforestation Project (group category).

For the Dangal ng Bayan Award--Trinidad S. Gozun of Commission on Audit, Regional Office No. 3; Carmelita V. Mendoza of Department of National Defense, Limay, Bataan; and Dr. Honorio M. Soriano, Jr. of Pampanga Agricultural College.

In view of this, the Civil Service Commission invites the public to provide valuable information, whether negative or positive, on any of this year’s nominees to the Honor Awards. Such feedbacks from the public will be used by the Search Committees in deliberating who among the nominees in each category deserve to receive the distinguished award.

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