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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

City proclaims winners of ‘twin celebration’

Several professional and amateur artists from Pampanga received their awards and recognition on Monday (August 16) during the conclusion of activities under the City's twin celebration commemorating the 255th founding anniversary of San Fernando and the 105th anniversary of the transfer of the provincial capital from Bacolor to this city.

The awarding rite was held at the City Hall Plaza Vidal and was administered by city officials led by Mayor Oscar S. Rodriguez.

The winners are, for Heritage Map Making Contest: 1st place Jude Pangilinan of Barangay Del Carmen, 2nd place Joel Mallari of Barangay Lara, 3rd place Joshua Cunanan of Barangay Quebiawan.

For Ligligan Pamanyulat Poesia (elementary category): 1st - Garnet Tayag of Del Carmen Elementary School, 2nd - Emeren David of Sta. Lucia Elementary School, 3rd - Emerson Mananquil of San Fernando Elementary School. While for its high school category, winners are: 1st - Allan Pangilinan of Pampanga High School, 2nd - Jherson Quiambao of ICT High School, 3rd - Arlene Jainar of San Fernando West Integrated School.

Meanwhile, for professional category, winners are 1st - Leonila Maglaqui of San Fernando Elementary School, 2nd - Ronald Elayda of Department of Public Works and Highways, 3rd - Roilengel Calilung of St. Scholastica's Academy.

Mayor Rodriguez, for his part, said that such project is one of his core advocacy pursuing programs that strengthens the rich culture of this city.

“It is the responsibility of every leader to inculcate a sense of patriotism among their constituents by preserving one’s culture and heritage” he said.

This in lined with the city’s eight point agenda which includes “San Fernandong Malinis at Maganda, Sa Turista’y Ipakikilala; Mayamang Kasaysayan at Kultura, Pagyabungin pa”.

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