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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

4Ps beneficiaries in Capas receive 1st quarter financial assistance 690 Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) beneficiaries in Capas,Tarlac recen

690 Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) beneficiaries in Capas,Tarlac recently received their financial grant for the first three months of 2010.

According to Department of Social Welfare and Development Regional 4Ps information officer Jasper Nicolas, the amount given in the two day pay-out totaled to 2.4 million pesos.

Nicolas added that majority of the beneficiaries belong to Aeta families wherein 390 of them come from barangay O’Donnell while the remainder are residents of barangay Sta.Juliana.

4Ps National Program Manager Margarita Sampang and Capas Mayor Antonio “TJ” Rodriguez Jr. personally handed out the assistance to the grantees last Tuesday.

This is the second series of onsite payment to be held in the town; the first one was held in May and July where pay-outs covered the assistance for the months of November and December last year.

Derived from the Conditional Cash Transfer program of Latin American and African countries, 4Ps is the strategy used by the government in order to raise the standard of living of poor Filipinos.

Each household is entitled to a maximum of three children beneficiaries who are 0-14 years of age.

A pregnant woman can also be a beneficiary provided that her pregnancy occurred during the time of assessment.

A household with three qualified children receives a subsidy of P1,400 per month during school months( June-March) and P500 during non-school months (April-May) as long as the beneficiaries comply with the program’s conditions that include the regular visit of the children in the health center to avail immunization and maintenance of a class attendance rate of at least 85% per month for those who are enrolled in day care centers or schools.

DSWD, in partnership with the local government, determines the household who would qualify as recipients of the grant. (PIA 3)

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