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Monday, August 2, 2010

LACANLALE: Wider horizon for Oca after 2013

"What are these possible career moves that Oca could consider after the 2013 turn-over of his mayoral post?"

Many politicians in the country, when they grow older, are often left with fewer choices for their political careers. Most often than not they just shy away from politics just because they have nowhere else to go after several years of serving a certain position.

Such kinds of politicians could see the intelligence behind the famous line of an equally famous rock artist from the group Nirvana, Kurt Cobain, who said: “It is better to burn out than to fade away.” A few weeks after those words he committed suicide and left a singing career that was still at its peak.

I do not mean that our politicians should kill themselves if they faced the end of their own careers. I am just pointing out how our politicians, most but not all, that is, are moving heaven and earth to create spaces for them to step on once their current political space becomes too tight for them to fit in—whether it is due to exhausting their term limit or because the people already growing tired of voting for them.

Mayor Oscar S. Rodriguez of the City of San Fernando, however, defied both the science of politics and, perhaps, biology.

For the sixty-plus mayor, who started his political career as congressman of Pampanga’s Third District, public service has opened for him more doors and windows as time passed by.

After completing his final term as mayor in 2013, Rodriguez is, unlike many of his contemporaries or fellow politicians half his age, faced with many choices for his career, which he could select upon in an instant.

What are these possible career moves that Oca could consider after the 2013 turn-over of his mayoral post?

Firstly, Rodriguez might consider a cabinet position under the Aquino Administration, which has shown huge trust in Oca’s leadership savvy by helping him bag the presidency of the League of Cities of the Philippines. Back in 2003, it had been rumored that Rodriguez had been offered cabinet positions by then President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to drop his mayoral bid in San Fernando.

With P-Noy only half-way his term in 2013, the Chief Executive will surely need the services of Rodriguez in his cabinet or the Judiciary. As Secretary of Justice or magistrate of the Supreme Court, Rodriguez would be a perfect fit.

Besides, Rodriguez’s profession as a lawyer had not for a second left his mind all throughout his time as politician. For, who could ever possibly forget a childhood dream? Surely, not Oca, who toiled hard in the face of poverty to fulfil a dream he shared with his father.

In the judiciary, Rodriguez will complete his exploits in government service, having served in the legislative branch as congressman and executive branch as mayor.

But, pundits dare prophecy that Rodriguez would opt to run again for a congressional seat in 2013. While his severed ties with the incumbent congressman of the district a major key in his possible re-entry to the legislative derby, Rodriguez’s constituents in the towns of Bacolor, Mexico, Arayat, Sta. Ana and City of San Fernando might convince him to wage a comeback to the Halls of Congress.

Being a congressman also opened opportunities for Rodriguez to hug the limelight. During the impeachment of deposed president Joseph Estrada, Oca was among the members of the prosecution panel that opened the eyes of the public to indiscretions committed by Erap and his cohorts. And, as the cliché goes, the rest is history.

From a lowly clerk in the judiciary, to administrator serving a provincial executive, to a legislator-cum-prosecutor, to an award-winning local executive, Rodriguez had always been a cut above the rest—a character who will continue to gain support from the public he serves.

Oca is in no way nearing his retirement from public life. He is still at his peak, waiting for his crowning glory.


Regulating med reps

I do not have anything personal against medical representatives. Just like anybody else, they are just trying to make a living out of their professions and would go the distance to ensure that their companies would be happy with their performances.

What I dislike is how some doctors set aside the convenience of their patients in favor of visiting med reps.

I am a frequent visitor of doctors, myself and I am a frequent victim of the insensitivity of some doctors for the conditions of their patients who have travelled long distances, spent money and lined-up in long queues to consult their doctors about health concerns.

Oftentimes, patients wait for their turn to be given medical attention in poorly ventilated alleys and dilapidated benches and, as if having to let other patients go in first, come the med reps, who will surely be given preferential attentions by the doctors and their secretaries. Imagine a patient, already saddled by pain and anxiety due to their health conditions, being subjected to more irritating circumstances and you would know what I mean.

Can’t we do something to stop this malpractice? Doctors, the way I understand it, are also required to secure a DTI registration for them to hold clinics as their business and so they should be covered by consumer laws.

Patients, who pay for the doctors’ services, should be treated as customers and should be accorded quality service and comfort while in their establishments.

If there aren’t any laws about this then it is about time that our lawmakers start crafting one.

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