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Monday, August 2, 2010

MILLARE: Fresh spring rolls with sorghum


2 cups sorghum sprouts
1 cup chicken flakes
1/2 cup of thinly sliced baguio beans
1/2 cup of thinly sliced carrots
1/2 cup of thinly sliced white yam
1/4 cup green pepper (cut in strips)
1/4 cup red pepper(cut in strips)
onion, garlic
1 chicken cube
oyster sauce
cooking oil
cassava starch


Saute the chicken, add the sorghum sprouts followed by the vegetables. Add vegetables one at a time until the desired crispiness is achieved.

Season with oyster sauce and salt. Pour in cassava starch for a creamy effect. Let it cool.

Prepare the lumpia wrapper. White lumpia wrapper or egg roll wrapper maybe use for this recipe.

Place 1/8 cup of the cooked vegetable in each wrapper and roll it up. Continue filling up the wrapper until finished..

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