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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

NGCP powers up upgraded transformer in Bulacan substation

SAN JOSE CITY--San Jose Substation of the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) will have more capacity to receive bulk power and transmit this to Luzon grid users starting this month.

NGCP announced that it has replaced a 600-megavolt ampere (MVA) transformer (T01) with a new 750-MVA unit at the San Jose Substation in Bulacan from July 4 to August 4 and already energized it recently.

The installation was completed in 30 days, or 20 days ahead of the original 50-day target for this particular component of the project.

To continuously improve system reliability and provide better transmission service to Luzon grid focuses on its centrally located substation in Luzon.

The upgrade of another transformer unit (T02) was completed as early as April 15 this year.

After the energization of T01 and the requisite observation period of five to seven days, transformers T03 and T04 will be upgraded one after the other.

Power customers in the Luzon power grid, especially in Metro Manila, are expected to benefit from the transformer upgrade program which will ultimately increase San Jose substation's total capacity from 2,400 MVA to 3,000 MVA. Bulk power from the generating plants in Luzon enters the 500-kV transmission backbone and supplies Metro Manila customers' electricity requirements through the San Jose Substation. Furthermore, all transformers that are intended as spare units have been thoroughly tested to ensure the equipment’s reliability.

NGCP assures its grid customers that it will continue to put in place more reliable substations and high-voltage power lines to improve the transmission system throughout the country. (NGCP thru PIA Bulacan)

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