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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Noynoy supporter hit over P1.25M unpaid catering bill

By Albert B. Lacanlale

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO—An official of the Noynoy Aquino for President Movement (NAPM) in Pampanga may face charges of estafa for her failure to settle over P1.2 million in bill for food distributed during the President Benigno Aquino III’s inauguration on June 30.

After several promises of paying, Alejandra “Sandy” Quiwa-Bansil, NAPM-Pampanga coordinator, allegedly failed to show up to settle her account with the JLT Catering Services of Joseph Trajano.

In a press conference held last week, Trajano said he is planning to sue Bansil if she will not settle in full the P1.25 million she still owes to JLT Catering Services.

Trajano said the unpaid amount is part of the P2.25 million food contract Bansil and and JLT Catering Services signed before the President’s inaugural. The contract covers the delivery and distribution of 50,000 packs of chicken and bread and 50,000 bottles of mineral water.

Trajano said the food and water was delivered during the inaugural rites at the Quirino Grandstand in Manila and during the evening concert party at the Quezon Memorial Circle in Quezon City.

Bansil initially gave Trajano a post-dated check (PDC) worth P2.25 million as full payment for the transaction. However, when the check was due for deposit, Bansil called to tell Trajano that the account for the issued check was closed and that she would just issue another check.

Trajano agreed and Bansil issued several PDCs with amounts ranging from P250,000 to P500,000.

But to Trajano’s disappointment, some of the checks, totalling P1.25 million, did not have sufficient funds and were returned.

Series of conversations, through text messaging, ended up with Bansil promising to settle the amount on certain dates but still failed to come up with the money.

Trajano, who also runs the Pipanganan restaurant in this city, said his catering business had been adversely affected by the unsettled account.

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