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Friday, October 2, 2009

4,000 delegates to join ICT events in Clark

CLARK FREEPORT— Atleast 4,000 attendees are expected to join the 2nd National Information and Communication Technology Confederation of the Philippines (2nd NICP) Summit and Convergence 2009 from Nov. 5-7 at Clark Expo inside the Freeport zone.
The 2nd NCIP Summit 2009 and Convergence 2009 is a back to back event which is being organized by Metro Clark ICT Council (MCITCC) by Clark Development Corporation, Cyber City Teleservices and Comclark Network Technology Corporation.
MCICT Chair George Sorio said the event was slated in Clark due to the huge growth and development in the Information and Communications Technology in the Philippines.
“The reason for this is attributed to the country's strategic location, the boom of
e-services, flexible workforce, and expanding infrastructure. Initially what we
had in mind in the creation of NICP was to recognize e-services priority
sectors, contact centers, together with medical transcription, computer animation and
related fields,” said Sorio, Sr. Executive Vice President of Cyber City.
The event will also include track sessions featuring various CICT initiatives and talks from key players in the Business Process Outsourcing and Information Technology (BPO-IT) industry and in recognition of the important role of the ICT in advancing today’s growing business activities here and abroad.
The two back to back events, which aim to make the Philippines to become globally
competitive ICT industry, is in accordance with President Arroyo’s vision in making the country a globally competitive ICT country.
The Chief Executive is expected to grace the events as the keynote speaker
during the opening ceremonies.
CDC President Benigno Ricafort said the undertaking is fully supported by the
state-owned corporation as the Freeport is envisioned as the center for the ICT industries and other related investment projects.
MCICTC is a member of the NICP, which represents the national venue of united
partnership for the Philippines ICT industry. The NCIP is the hub of super
regions in Asia with ready Information Technology platforms for investment destinations.
The two events be will be participated by wide variety of sectoral members of ICT
in the academe, ICT-related business industries and other related investment
projects in the country; and being supported by the Commission on Information
and Communications Technology and sponsored by Peregrine Global Gateways,
ComClark, Savers Group of Companies, Cyber City and CDC. Organizers also
include the Department Trade and Industry (DTI), National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA),
Clark Investors and Locators Association and Philippine Society of Information
Technology and Educators (PSITE).
The Convergence 2009 is an ICT road show which pursues the objectives of the
CICT in their four strategic areas: Cyberspace, Human Capital Development, eGovernment Development and ICT infrastructure.
It also aims to promote the Philippine Cyber Corridor and the Next Wave Cities; ensure supply of talent for the
BPO-IT industry; increase awareness on the use of ICT; and enable small and medium enterprises to spur growth through technology.

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